Tate hatches a new plan to be with Holly

Days of our Lives Recap for Thursday, July 4, 2024
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Thursday, July 4, 2024

At their apartment, Xander worked out while Sarah opened mail. Sarah discovered an RSVP to their wedding. Xander asked if the RSVP was from his mother, but it was from Justin and Bonnie. Xander was less than thrilled. Sarah told Xander that he should feel lucky that Bonnie had forgiven Xander for having locked her in a shed. Xander asked Sarah, "We both know what I did to Bonnie. But if she can let it go, why can't you?"

Sarah admitted that she, too, had made mistakes, with her having not told Xander about Victoria at the top of the list. Xander took Sarah in his arms and promised her, "Never again will I let myself be corrupted by money." "Or anything else, right?" Sarah teased him. "Well, maybe the love of a beautiful woman," Xander played along. They kissed, but as things began to get passionate, there was a knock at the door.

It was Maggie. She was there to present Xander with a check that represented his share of Victor's estate. Xander looked at the check's amount and was a bit taken aback. Maggie explained that she felt Xander should be rewarded for having stood up for the family when Konstantin had tried to take everything away.

Xander was genuinely touched by Maggie's generous offer. "But I can't accept this," Xander said. Xander explained that he was grateful for the offer, but he literally had just promised Sarah that he would not be money-driven anymore. Xander added, "If Victor had wanted me to have this, he would have left it to me himself." Maggie reminded Xander that Victor had been a stubborn man who had been unable to admit when he'd been wrong. Maggie told Xander that he could instead consider the money a wedding present from Maggie and Victor.

Xander maintained that he believed that Victor had not considered Xander as one of Victor's heirs. Maggie insisted that Victor had loved Xander, and if Victor had been able to put his ego aside, Victor would have wanted Xander to have the money. Maggie asked Xander one last time, but Xander declined the check, though he did tell Maggie that he and Sarah would still expect an extravagant wedding gift. Maggie took back the check as she chuckled and said, "Duly noted."

Maggie told Xander that she was proud of him for making that decision, and she believed Victor would have also been proud. That meant a lot to Xander. Maggie kissed and hugged Xander, then Sarah, before she left.

Sarah expressed her surprise that Xander had declined the money. She found it amazing. Xander told Sarah that he'd spent his whole life clawing after money that he hadn't deserved, but he had changed and wanted to earn it for himself. Xander said the offer from Maggie had felt a bit like pity for Victor having left Xander out of the will. Xander declared that he didn't need pity, because Sarah was the greatest prize of all.

Sarah kissed Xander. She asked, "If I slept with you right now, would it be pity sex? Because I have never wanted you more." Xander smiled and replied, "Then I don't care what you call it." Sarah giggled as Xander scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom.

Brady asked Theresa to come to his place. He told her about having arranged to send Tate to lacrosse camp for the remainder of the summer. Theresa looked at the camp's brochure. Brady explained the Tate would be able to hone his skills, be in a controlled environment -- and be "out of Holly's orbit." Theresa liked the idea.

Bonnie and Justin toasted Independence Day in the living room of the Kiriakis mansion. Bonnie remarked that, besides the country's independence, they also had an engagement to celebrate. Justin said "Oh, so you're talking about Xander and Sarah," just as Alex entered the room. "Well, not just them. Didn't you hear the other good news? Theresa and I are getting married, too," Alex said.

Alex remarked that he and Theresa had been engaged for two days, but Justin hadn't said a word. Bonnie spoke up and told Alex that she hadn't mentioned the engagement to Justin because she had wanted Alex to tell Justin himself. Alex could see that Justin was not happy about the news. Alex accused Justin of not trusting Theresa. "Isn't that right... Justin?" Alex asked, stressing the fact that he no longer thought of Justin as his father.

Justin said that he didn't want Alex to rush into a wedding. Alex said that he didn't need Justin's "cousinly advice" and added, "I'm just going with my gut," like Victor had always done. Justin reminded Alex, "Victor was not a fan of Theresa!" Alex smugly reminded Justin that Victor had trusted Alex enough to leave him half of Victor's fortune.

Justin got angry and told Alex that, as executor of the estate, Victor had also trusted Justin to distribute the money. "Which is why I'm going to give you this cousinly advice: if you do plan on marrying Theresa, you better make sure she signs an airtight prenup!"

Alex scoffed at the suggestion. He asked if Justin thought that Theresa would murder Alex for his money or milk him for it while he was still alive. Justin, frustrated, told Alex that, as a very rich man, Alex had to protect himself and his future heirs. "This must have occurred to you," Justin said. That remark caused Alex to think back to his last conversation with Brady, in which they had discussed the possibility that Theresa had opened Victor's briefcase in Greece.

Alex stood firm. Alex said that he didn't need protection from Theresa because Theresa wasn't marrying him for his money. Justin posited that if it was true, Theresa would have no problem signing a prenup -- just as Theresa entered the room.

"Theresa, this prenup was not my idea," Alex exclaimed. Theresa moved to stand by Alex as Justin admitted that the prenup was his idea. Justin told Theresa that it was not his place to judge her, but as legal counsel to the family, he was responsible to look out for Alex, who had just come into a substantial fortune. Justin told Theresa that it was not unreasonable for him to have concerns. That remark triggered Alex into recalling Brady's theory again.

Theresa declared her love for Alex, but she acknowledged Justin's concerns and didn't blame him for being skeptical. "I know that my history has a lot of... black marks," Theresa admitted. The euphemism caused Bonnie's eyes to roll. Theresa reiterated that she had been interested in Alex before she had found out that he was to inherit a fortune.

As Theresa related her version of how she and Alex had discovered their mutual attraction in Greece, Alex's mind followed along with Brady's version of how Theresa might have opened the briefcase. As Theresa claimed that she had been just as surprised as everyone else at the revelation of Alex's parentage, Alex recalled realizing that if Theresa had opened the briefcase, then she had been playing him ever since. Doubts were forming in Alex's mind.

Theresa declared that Alex trusted her. She took Alex's face in her hands and asked, "You do trust me, don't you, Alex?" Alex told Theresa he trusted her, and that was why he had asked her to become his wife. Theresa asked Alex if he wanted her to sign a prenup. Before he could answer, Theresa declared. "Because I think I should." Bonnie's reaction was, "I didn't see that coming."

Theresa explained that she was tired of everyone thinking ill of her. Doe-eyed, Theresa told Alex that she knew that some marriages didn't work out, so Alex should protect himself. Theresa told Justin to draw up the papers.

Tate, who was at the Brady Pub, called Holly, who was in the living room at the DiMera mansion. Tate asked Holly if she still wanted to run away with him. With Tate being shipped off to lacrosse camp and Holly having been "double super grounded," Holly wondered how they could pull of an escape. Tate assured Holly that he had a plan. "Would you say it's better than the prom plan?" Holly teased Tate. Tate asked Holly to trust him. "I do trust you," Holly replied with a smile. Tate told Holly to call him when it was safe to talk. They ended the call.

Holly turned her head and found that Rachel was standing in the doorway. Holly asked if Rachel wanted to watch a movie. Rachel replied, "Not really... but I do want to know what you're plotting with my brother." Holly explained that she really wanted to be with Tate, but their parents wanted to keep Tate and Holly apart. Holly asked Rachel not to say anything. Rachel claimed that she didn't want to get in trouble. She picked up her phone to call Nicole. Holly grabbed Rachel's phone. "You can't!" Holly exclaimed.

Rachel grabbed her phone back. Holly pleaded with Rachel not to tell. "I'll do anything," Holly exclaimed. That caught Rachel's attention. "Like what? What's in it for me?" Rachel asked. Holly explained that Rachel would be a hero to Tate, after everything he had recently been through. Holly also told Rachel that she would never bust Rachel for anything. Holly said that Rachel was old enough to understand that Tate and Holly wanted to be together, and Holly needed Rachel's help.

Holly also offered to give Rachel some Vanilla Orchid, Holly's favorite perfume, which Rachel had liked. "So, like a bribe, right?" Rachel asked. Holly leaned down to be at Rachel's eye level. "It would be a gift, for being a good friend. Can I count on you?" Holly asked. Before Rachel could answer, Holly looked up and discovered that Brady had entered the room. "Hi. What are you two talking about?" Brady asked suspiciously.

Holly stood up and said, "Nothing important. We were just talking about perfumes. Right, Rachel?" Rachel went along with Holly, but Brady was dubious. He said that the conversation had looked too intense to only be about perfumes. Holly lied and told Brady that Rachel had wanted to try some Vanilla Orchid, but Holly wasn't sure if Kristen would approve. Brady bought it. He told Holly and Rachel that he didn't think Kristen would mind, but the subject of perfumes would have to wait.

Brady explained that he was there to pick up Rachel and take her to see some fireworks. Rachel ran off to grab some glow sticks before they left. Brady thanked Holly for hanging out with Rachel. Holly expressed concern that Kristen -- or any mother -- would not trust Holly at that moment.

Brady told Holly that he wished things had gone differently after the prom, but he added that he didn't think it was cool that Tate and Holly had sneaked off to go to the Salem Inn. Brady told Holly about the lacrosse camp and that Brady and Theresa thought it would be a good idea if Tate and Holly spent some time apart. Brady told Holly that they could reevaluate the situation when Tate returned. Brady told Holly that if she and Tate could prove trustworthy, their senior year in high school could look very different.

Aaron joined Tate at the Brady Pub. Tate showed him the lacrosse camp brochure. Aaron admired the camp but lamented the fact that he could not afford it. "That's why it's a good thing my dad is paying for me to go," Tate said. Aaron was confused. Tate laid out his plan to have Aaron go the camp in Tate's stead, so that Tate and Holly could run off together.

Tate explained that camp did not allow visitors, so his parents could not "stop by." Tate said that he would turn off the tracking app on his phone. All Tate needed was someone to take his place. Tate said that because Aaron loved lacrosse and was good at it, it would be a good opportunity for Aaron. Aaron was hesitant. Tate said that if Aaron had the prestigious training, colleges would be "throwing scholarships" at him.

"Where do I sign?" Aaron asked. Tate was stunned. "Wait. Seriously, you will do this?" Tate asked. Aaron replied that he was sure his brother, Mark, would like Aaron out of his hair for the rest of the summer. Aaron extended his hand to offer Tate a handshake. Aaron said with a beaming smile, "Nice to meet you. I'm Tate Black." Tate smiled and shook Aaron's hand.

Holly called Tate, who told her that Aaron would be going to lacrosse camp in Tate's place. All that was left to do was to find a place where Tate could hide for the summer, so he and Holly could see each other. Tate cut the call short when Brady and Rachel entered the pub. Brady informed Tate that Theresa was on board with sending Tate to camp. Rachel invited Tate and Aaron to join them at the fireworks. Aaron cited a family-barbecue obligation. Tate said that he should probably go home and start packing for camp.

Sarah stared out the window at the fireworks as Xander returned from making sure Victoria was still asleep. Sarah had wanted to show the fireworks to the baby. "Next year," Xander assured Sarah. In the meantime, Xander suggested that they could make more fireworks of their own. Xander said, "We may not be the richest couple in town, but we are the luckiest." "And the happiest," Sarah added. They kissed.

Justin was composing the prenup on his phone. Bonnie sneaked up on him and blew a noisemaker in his ear. She was eager to celebrate the birthday of America -- "land of the free, and home of the free refills at the movies!" Justin put down his phone and took a noisemaker himself. Bonnie and Justin tooted their noisemakers as Maggie entered the room. "This looks like a joyous celebration!" Maggie exclaimed. Justin invited Maggie to join them. Maggie accepted but first wanted to show Justin that Xander had refused the inheritance check.

Brady and Rachel watched the fireworks from Horton Town Square. Alex and Theresa approached them. Rachel told Theresa that the fireworks had been better the previous year. Alex told Brady that Theresa had agreed to sign a prenup. Theresa wondered why Alex would bring up that subject while they were talking about fireworks.

Rachel asked her father for ice cream, so Brady and Rachel left. Theresa wanted to know why Alex had blurted out private information. She assumed that Brady had been badmouthing her. "What was he saying to you?" Theresa asked. Alex told Theresa that it didn't matter because Alex hadn't bought it. Alex reiterated that he trusted Theresa, but Theresa remained nervous.

Brady asked Rachel if she was going to miss Tate. Rachel replied, "Definitely...but not as much as Holly will."

Tate and Holly met in the park. Tate told her that Theresa was on board with the plan to send Tate to lacrosse camp. Tate and Holly were thrilled that they would be able to spend the whole summer together with no one the wiser. As Tate and Holly kissed, someone was watching them through the trees.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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